Get real-time vehicle diagnostics and establish effective maintenance plans

Always keep your vehicles in good health and drivers safe with a seamless maintenance plan

Avoid road breakdowns and accidents

Receive real-time alerts of any engine faults, worn brake pads, oil and water fluctuations, and other diagnostics, helping you pre-empt which vehicles need servicing.

Smart fleet solutions with automatic preventive maintenance schedules and alerts about engine breakdowns such as lights, brakes, fuel, etc.
Image of fleet communication system showing real-time notifications to communicate with the driver of maintenance to check for vehicle breakdowns.

Instantly respond to maintenance needs

Schedule maintenance and warn drivers in advance via our app, keeping workflows undisrupted. Communicate directly with your driver the moment a fault is detected and let them know where to take the vehicle in real-time, helping you minimise downtime and future issues.

Automated preventative maintenance

Our platform automates the maintenance schedules for each of your vehicles by using your utilisation hours and the time of the last service, hassle-free.

Cut your maintenance costs

A strong maintenance servicing routine helps prevent vehicle breakdowns, minimising major indirect and direct costs.

Increase your vehicle-lifespan

With proactive-maintenance schedules your vehicles will remain healthier for longer, ensuring you get more out of them.

Reduce unnecessary downtime

Prevent vehicle breakdowns and plan for your servicing in advance to reduce project disruptions.