Fuel consumption, how can you think about it simply, and why think about it?

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Discover simplified ways to understand fuel consumption and why it's essential to consider. Start optimizing your driving habits today!

The Cartrack article now teaches you how to calculate fuel consumption. To calculate how much oil is consumed and how much it is worth. So that the business can calculate correctly. No matter what type of car you use. When is it used, or who uses the car?

What is fuel consumption?

Fuel consumption is the total amount of fuel consumed by a vehicle in a given period of time. Fuel consumption represents the efficiency of the vehicle, which directly affects operating costs.

What factors affect fuel consumption?

1. Vehicle/Machine Condition

Well-maintained vehicles or machinery Not only will it work at full capacity. But it also saves fuel. Various factors caused by the condition of the vehicle include:

Soft pneumatic tire: This increases wheel rotation resistance, which means more oil is needed to maintain speed. As a result, more fuel is consumed.

Insufficient liquid level: Engine oil Transmission fluid and coolant are insufficient. It affects the engine and reduces the efficiency of oil consumption.

Fuel system malfunctions: Problems with injectors, oil filters, or gas stations result in incomplete combustion, which also results in increased fuel consumption.

2. Driver behavior

Driving behavior not only affects the safety of the driver. But it also affects the fuel consumption of the car. Factors caused by driver behavior include:

Reckless and dangerous driving: Such as accelerating or braking suddenly, resulting in increased fuel consumption.

Too long engine operation: When the car is dormant but the engine is still running, the oil continues to burn, which means more fuel is consumed. Even when the car is not in use.

Incorrect gear shifting: Constantly shifting gears up and down, or improper gear selection. This makes the engine work hard. This results in increased fuel consumption, as the car requires more power.

3. Road conditions

Road conditions affect the energy level used to move the vehicle, which in turn affects fuel efficiency. Road conditions factors that affect fuel consumption include:

Road Surface Condition: Smooth roads reduce wheel rolling resistance. While the road is rough and uneven, it increases rolling resistance. This means that more fuel is required to keep the car moving. This results in increased fuel consumption.

Road elevation: Uphill requires more energy, which means the car needs more gas.

Dilapidated roads: Dirt roads or potholes can reduce oil efficiency. This is due to the increased vibration of the car and thus requires more energy to run on this kind of road.

4. Weather

Variable weather such as rain, storm, thunderstorm, strong wind Increased resistance This causes the car to require more fuel to maintain normal speed and stability.

Formula for calculating fuel consumption

Formula for calculating fuel consumption

This formula is the standard formula for calculating fuel consumption, allowing you to evaluate your car's fuel efficiency.



One car runs on 32 litres of petrol for a range of 250 km to calculate fuel consumption in litres/100 km. Km.

(32 X 100) ÷ 250 = 12.8 L/100 KM.

This means that the car consumes 12.8 litres of petrol per 100 kilometres.

While you can manually calculate fuel consumption according to the formula above, Cartrack simplifies this process and comes with a wealth of important and ready-to-use vehicle information. In the form of an easy-to-use oil management tool.

What does an oil management tool do?

The information obtained from oil management tools or systems helps the operation of your fleet. As follows:

1. Prevent oil theft:

Oil management systems help detect potential oil theft (e.g., oil sucking, fuel card fraud, to fake transactions and fuel card cloning). 

This system can instantly and automatically detect unauthorized fuel consumption within your fleet.

2. Stop fuel-consuming driving behavior:

The oil management system can quickly detect fuel-consuming driving behaviors, such as overspeeding and sudden braking.

3. Optimize the performance of all vehicles:

The oil management system helps identify fuel consumption behaviors. Improve planning and optimization It allows you to adopt different strategies to enhance the performance of the vehicle.

4. Gain insights for maintenance:

The oil tracking system allows you to know information about the condition of your car . Increased oil consumption may indicate an ongoing problem. 

Finding and addressing these issues early can help prevent severe damage and reduce sudden breakdowns or emergency outages.

5. Calculate fuel consumption:


6. Track carbon emissions:


What does an oil management tool do?

Why is it important to calculate fuel consumption?

  • Clear cost and performance control: Calculating the rate of oil consumption allows you to accurately estimate the cost of oil. By clearly understanding the amount of fuel your car consumes.

    You can plan your budget effectively and identify cost-saving opportunities. In addition, improving fuel efficiency reduces operating costs, which affects the overall success of the fleet.
  • Track performance and driving habits: Continuous tracking of fuel consumption It allows you to instantly identify sudden changes.

    Rapid fluctuations in fuel consumption may indicate potential problems. Whether it is improper driving behavior. Deteriorated engine condition or tire pressure problems
  • Make data-driven decisions: Accurately knowing the amount of fuel the car is consuming. It is a valuable insight that can be used to make informed business decisions. This information can help identify the most fuel-efficient vehicles, routes, and driving habits.

Track and improve your vehicle's fuel consumption differently.

Use the industry's number one solution in vehicle tracking systems to simplify tracking your vehicle's fuel consumption and keep fuel consumption to a minimum. This global solution is Cartrack.

1. Improve driving habits:

Leverage Driver Score Cards to track risky and fuel-wasting behaviors such as speeding, braking abruptly, and overspeeding. 

By pointing out these points, you can get an insight into what improvements can be made to reduce fuel consumption in a precise and clear way.

2. Improve oil efficiency with preventive maintenance:

Cartrack carefully tracks the health of the vehicle, allowing you to schedule scheduled maintenance of the vehicle. 

It reduces the length of time the vehicle becomes unusable and increases the efficiency of the vehicle and reduces unnecessary fuel consumption from incomplete engines caused by lack of maintenance.

3. Prevent fuel fraud and fuel card cheating:

Cartrack's AI technology automatically checks your fuel receipt against your vehicle's location and oil status. 

The system automatically alerts you of suspicious activity related to fuel costs, which can be caused by factors such as oil extraction from the tank, allowing you to identify potential fuel cost leaks and manage them early, allowing you to monitor, fix and reduce fuel cost waste.

4. Automated tracking of carbon emissions: 

Cartrack's detailed reports give you insight into the amount of fuel you use on your trip, as well as your carbon footprint, all of which can be easily viewed through Cartrack's vehicle tracking page.  

This information helps car owners identify which vehicles emit high carbon emissions, help them decide to change their vehicles to eco-friendly ones, and determine the proper use of the vehicle. 

It also meets the needs of businesses that want to increase environmental protection standards, such as ESG policies that are becoming popular in the investment industry in businesses that implement good governance.

For more information on vehicle tracking and fuel consumption, please call the staff directly at 021362920 , 021362921 Monday to Friday office hours or click here to contact us with your phone number so that the staff can get back to you as soon as possible.

Calculate fuel consumption and manage fuel consumption efficiently. Help businesses understand their own costs and manage them correctly.